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Monday, November 30, 2015

Pythor Comics Superheroes!

I've just finished two more of the "Mini" comics that I've been posting on my Pythor Comics website. The first new comic is Blue Jay Boy, which shows the origin story of Canadian Crusader's side kick. The second new comic Perseus, Son of Zeus is based on my live puppet show Perseus and the Gorgon Medusa (now retired). To read the comics, click the link to the Pythor Comics website below and then select a comic. Enjoy!

Above is the cover art from my Blue Jay Boy mini comic.
Red the comic online at:

In additional to the Blue Jay Boy and Perseus Son of Zeus mini comics, I also have three other comics posted: Canadian CrusaderPythor the Barbarian, and Griffon Shadow.

Friday, November 6, 2015

I'm at the Craft Fair today!!!

Come out and visit the Artelle Puppets booth and see my selection of original hand-made puppets!!!

Good Shepherd CWL Craft Fair
3092 Innes Rd.
Saturday, Nov 7, 2015
8:30 am to 2:00pm
There will be a large variety of crafters, a bake table, tea and lunch room!
Bring the whole family! Hope to see you there!

Here is my Humpty Dumpty finger puppet which I'll be selling at the Craft Fair. Isn't he cute! He's very soft and squishy! Below is Georgie the Chubby Monster. Isn't he cute too! And he's soft, and furry, and huggable, and squishable. I like squishy puppets!!!! :)

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Canadian Superheroes!!!! ...and villains!

Fans of my superhero puppets will enjoy this post! Over the last few months I've been working on expanding my series of Canadian Crusader toy puppets. The series now includes 16 original characters and there are still many more to come. For more info about these puppets and characters visit my website at! Here is a quick overview of the collection so far...

Canadian Crusader Toy Puppet Collection

Series 1: Superheroes

Here is Canadian Crusader and his team, the Canuck Crusaders!!! L to R: Moose Man, Canadian Crusader, Blue Jay Boy, and Goose Gal.

Series 2: Villains

Here's the main cast of villains! L to R: Mad Moose, Icicles Man, Wilderness Man, and Raccoon Woman.

Series 3: A Villain and More Heroes

One very large villain and three new superheroes join the collection! L to R: Avalanche the Abominable Snow Beast, Countess of Canada, Lemming Lad, and Flying Wolf.

Series 4: Canadian Crusader's Origin

This series features characters from Canadian Crusader's origin, plus a new teenage hero joins the team! L to R: Dominion Kid, Buffalo Queen, Melvin Maples, and his horse Pancake.

I'm also working on some short puppet videos about Canadian Crusader and this awesome cast of characters that will be posted on YouTube once they're ready. Stay tuned for more news coming soon!!!

"Canadian Crusader" and related character names and likenesses are TM and © Mike Artelle, 1991, 2015.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

A special thank you to all who visited with us this year at Puppets Up!

This year Artelle Puppets celebrated our fifth consecutive year as a vendor at the Puppets Up festival, and we are very pleased to have had another great weekend!

Here is Peggy Artelle with Georgie the Monster, one of our new puppets introduced at the festival.
Once again this year, we had many friendly faces stop by to take a look at our selection of hand made puppets, which has grown considerably since our first year in 2011. This year our booth was in a new location, only a few feet from our old one (we've moved from the front of the Post Office to the side). We also had a small puppet theatre for kids to try out, and we were pleased that it became a special photo opportunity for many families. We even had a photographer from the Ottawa Citizen take a photo at our puppet theatre, which can be seen here: (look for the photo of the girl with the two snowman puppets)

We also had a visit from a little girl who brought her favourite puppet with her, a leopard puppet that I made a few years back. (The prototype is shown above) She had named her puppet Shadow, and it was well played with which is wonderful to see. For me, seeing kids enjoy the puppets is what makes this all worth while! It really made my day!
Our new booth location is right next to the Puppets Up parade route on Mill Street. Here's another view of our puppet display. It's always fun to watch people as they try out our puppets and have a good time, as having fun is what puppetry is all about! Thank you so much to everyone for stopping buy, and to the festival organizers, we had a great time!
Photos and text © Mike Artelle, 2015

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Artelle Puppets Events Schedule 2015

In the upcoming months Artelle Puppets will be selling original hand-made puppets at the following events. Please join us! Visit  to see more of our puppets!

Puppets Up International Festival
Sat, Aug 8 & Sun, Aug 9 2015
Almonte, ON (Only 30 minutes from Ottawa)
Sat & Sun, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Please visit the Artelle Puppets booth on Mill St. in the vendor's area.
For festival information please visit the Puppets Up website:

Past Events for 2015

Ravenswing Arts & Music Fair
Sun, May 24, 2015
Minto Park (Elgin & Gilmour)
Ottawa, ON
11:00 AM to 5:00 PM
This is an outdoor event, rain or shine!

Mike Artelle's Canadian Superheroes:
Moose Man, Canadian Crusader, Blue Jay Boy, and Goose Gal!
All are Mike's original hand-made puppets!
See the Artelle Puppets website for more info:
Puppets and character names TM and © Mike Artelle, 2015