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Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Canadian Superheroes!!!! ...and villains!

Fans of my superhero puppets will enjoy this post! Over the last few months I've been working on expanding my series of Canadian Crusader toy puppets. The series now includes 16 original characters and there are still many more to come. For more info about these puppets and characters visit my website at! Here is a quick overview of the collection so far...

Canadian Crusader Toy Puppet Collection

Series 1: Superheroes

Here is Canadian Crusader and his team, the Canuck Crusaders!!! L to R: Moose Man, Canadian Crusader, Blue Jay Boy, and Goose Gal.

Series 2: Villains

Here's the main cast of villains! L to R: Mad Moose, Icicles Man, Wilderness Man, and Raccoon Woman.

Series 3: A Villain and More Heroes

One very large villain and three new superheroes join the collection! L to R: Avalanche the Abominable Snow Beast, Countess of Canada, Lemming Lad, and Flying Wolf.

Series 4: Canadian Crusader's Origin

This series features characters from Canadian Crusader's origin, plus a new teenage hero joins the team! L to R: Dominion Kid, Buffalo Queen, Melvin Maples, and his horse Pancake.

I'm also working on some short puppet videos about Canadian Crusader and this awesome cast of characters that will be posted on YouTube once they're ready. Stay tuned for more news coming soon!!!

"Canadian Crusader" and related character names and likenesses are TM and © Mike Artelle, 1991, 2015.

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